Although Mayron Cole owns the copyright to her files on Google Drive, she is granting permission to copy them only under the following condition: Teachers and students may print these files at home, school, or at their local print shop; and teachers and students may download, view, copy and/or share these files digitally.
Click the agreement to access the free files on Google Drive:
Although Mayron Cole owns the copyright to her files on Google Drive, she is granting permission to copy them only under the following condition: Teachers and students may print these files at home, school, or at their local print shop; and teachers and students may download, view, copy and/or share these files digitally.
Click the agreement to access the free files on Google Drive:
tips for viewing GoogleDrive folders on a phone
PERMISSION TO TRANSLATETeachers of non-English speaking students have Mayron's permission to translate The Mayron Cole Piano Method into their language. Teachers may print the translated materials for their students, and may share the translated materials with other teachers. They do not have permission to sell translations of The Mayron Cole Piano Method. Regardless of the time invested in translating the material, no one other than The Mayron Cole Music Conservatory, Inc. has the right to sell for a profit any material that is copyrighted by Mayron Cole.
The Mayron Cole Piano Method, the compositions and artwork contained therein, and the orchestrated accompaniment sound files on this website and in the downloads provided are copyrighted by Mayron Cole. The Mayron Cole Piano Method is providing a nonexclusive license to print the material provided in the downloads from this website for personal use or to distribute at no profit. Teachers may charge students a reimbursement fee for any printing costs that the teacher incurs, but no one other than The Mayron Cole Music Conservatory, Inc. has the right to sell for a profit any material that is copyrighted by Mayron Cole.
The Mayron Cole Piano Method, the compositions and artwork contained therein, and the orchestrated accompaniment sound files on this website and in the downloads provided are copyrighted by Mayron Cole. The Mayron Cole Piano Method is providing a nonexclusive license to print the material provided in the downloads from this website for personal use or to distribute at no profit. Teachers may charge students a reimbursement fee for any printing costs that the teacher incurs, but no one other than The Mayron Cole Music Conservatory, Inc. has the right to sell for a profit any material that is copyrighted by Mayron Cole.